Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Back from the Smokies...

Since 2006, we've made it down to the Smoky Mountains at least once a year. The roads are unreal and aplenty.

This year the twisty faucet was running quite dry, so three of us made a go of it for 2009. After this weekend, I have gained some serious appreciation for how smoothly all of our previous trips went. Off the top of my head...

  • A trailer's inner wheel bearing disintegrated

  • A trailer got stuck in a ditch on the side of a narrow, inclined gravel road

  • We got lost on a 6+ mile gravel mountain road (on sportbikes) - the road Mike deemed, the Dirt-o-hala

  • We had to drive the wrong way on a narrow, one-way wildlife safari

  • It rained a lot
I'm sure I missed a few mishaps - but it wasn't all bad! We had a sweet ride on the Cherohala Skyway in sunny weather.


I also got a kick out of pushing the Element on the windy road that led up to our cabin (well, the paved part of it, anyway). And I always welcome a dose of driving and riding techniques from the daring couple.

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