Thursday, October 21, 2010

Thursday thoughts

Sometimes the sustainability of this activity comes to the forefront of my mind. Gas, electric - it doesn't really matter.  It's the spirit of the activity - complete, individual control of high-powered machinery that is grossly unnecessary...

...but there is so much value in the practice and discipline required to skillfully operate these machines.  It's mentally and physically challenging.  It satisfies a need to live on the edge, but your comfort envelope forces you to earn that exhileration...

Are there others, non-motor-powered ways to achieve whatever end I'm after?  Probably...

-- Pixi says


Unknown said...

do a quick search on "fungible", and then relax knowing that if you didn't burn these natural resources for your own personal pleasure, that someone else, somewhere else would burn them for some other equally unnecessary reason.

author said...

This seems to hit the fungible nail on the head:

That's one way to look at it.