Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Mayorga Coffee

I wanted to side-step rush hour traffic last Friday, so I spent the 2nd half of the day working from a coffee shop near Battley Cycles (where Motus Motorcycles graced us with the status of their ambitious work).  I figured if I was already in the Gaithersburg area, it would be easy for me to roll a few extra miles to get to the event at 5pm.


And as luck would have it, I located a coffee shop of note not too far away in Rockville, MD - Mayorga Coffee Roasters.

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All Mayorga coffee is roasted a few blocks away from this coffee shop.  You can find Mayorga coffee beans at Costco, Giant, and lots of other stores.  So the product is local to all us DelMarVans.  The baristas were very friendly, made me 2 double-shot Americanos in a small cup (which were very good), and talked up motorcycles at the end of my stay.  Nothing like good conversation across a granite bar serving up joe.


I have to be honest, I don't plan on frequenting Rockville.  But I can guarantee you that, should I find myself there again, I'll be making a B-line for Mayorga.

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